CarbMax refers to the intensity at which the carbohydrate combustion matches the maximal uptake of carbohydrates. The latest scientific literature shows that an uptake of carbohydrates of 60 to maximum 90g per hour is possible. The actual possible uptake rate depends on the kind of carbohydrate (mixture of different forms, such as glucose and fructose). In any case – as it stands for now – it isn’t possible to go higher then 90g per hour. You will find this zone of 60g-90g marked as a red area in the load characteristics. CarbMax is the intensity (speed or power) at which 90g of carbohydrates is combusted. At higher intensities carbohydrate combustion exceeds the maximum possible uptake, resulting in carbohydrate depletion over time. This cannot be reversed during the actual exercise, but only after, during recovery.