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CASE STUDY: 12 hour TIME TRIAL Unlocking Peak Performance with delta.G Ketones

Pacing a time trial cycle race


For serious athletes, achieving peak performance requires not just dedication and training, but also leveraging cutting-edge nutritional strategies. One such strategy that has gained significant attention is the use of ketone esters, particularly deltaG Ketones. I'll delve into the science behind deltaG, its applications in training and recovery, and a practical fuelling strategy i recently used for a 12 hour ultra-endurance cycling time trial event.

DeltaG ketones

What are deltaG Ketones?

DeltaG Ketones are the purest form of exogenous ketone esters designed to elevate blood ketone levels, providing an alternative energy source to glucose. Unlike other ketone supplements, deltaG is a highly pure ketone ester that mimics the physiological state of ketosis, offering numerous benefits for endurance athletes.

How deltaG Works

When ingested, deltaG Ketones rapidly increase blood ketone levels, providing a readily available energy source that muscles and the brain can use efficiently. This process is particularly beneficial during prolonged physical activities where glycogen stores are depleted. The key benefits of deltaG Ketones include:

1. **Enhanced Energy Efficiency**: Ketones produce more ATP per unit of oxygen compared to carbohydrates, making energy production more efficient.

2. **Improved Endurance**: By sparing muscle glycogen and reducing reliance on glucose, ketones help sustain energy levels during extended periods of exertion.

3. **Reduced Muscle Protein Breakdown**: Elevated ketone levels help attenuate muscle protein breakdown, preserving muscle mass during intense training and competitions.

4. **Optimised Recovery**: Ketones have anti-inflammatory properties and help expedite recovery by reducing oxidative stress and muscle damage [[1](].

Training with deltaG Ketones

Integrating deltaG Ketones into your training regimen can significantly enhance your performance and recovery. Here’s how:


Taking deltaG Ketones before training can provide a quick source of energy, helping you start your workout with ample energy reserves. This is particularly useful for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or long endurance sessions.

- **Dosage**: 25g of deltaG Ketones 30 minutes before training.

- **Expected Benefits**: Increased stamina, reduced perception of effort, and improved mental clarity.

During Training

For long-duration training sessions, deltaG Ketones can help maintain energy levels and prevent the depletion of glycogen stores.

- **Dosage**: 10-15g every 1-2 hours, depending on the intensity and duration of the session.

- **Expected Benefits**: Sustained energy, improved endurance, and better performance.


Post-training consumption of deltaG Ketones aids in quicker recovery, reduces muscle soreness, and helps restore muscle glycogen levels more efficiently.

- **Dosage**: 25g within 30 minutes post-training.

- **Expected Benefits**: Accelerated recovery, reduced muscle damage, and enhanced glycogen replenishment.

Recovery with deltaG Ketones

Recovery is a critical component of any training program. deltaG Ketones enhance recovery by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and muscle damage.

- **Improved Muscle Repair**: deltaG Ketones promote muscle protein synthesis, aiding in the repair and growth of muscle tissue.

- **Reduced Inflammation**: The anti-inflammatory properties of ketones help minimize muscle soreness and joint pain.

- **Enhanced Glycogen Replenishment**: By providing an alternative fuel source, ketones help preserve muscle glycogen stores, facilitating faster recovery [[2](].

Case Study: An Athlete's Success with deltaG

Time trial cyclist

Consider Alex, an experienced endurance cyclist who recently competed in a 12-hour ultra-endurance cycling time trial event. By integrating deltaG Ketones into his training and competition strategy, Alex achieved remarkable results: 290 miles/466.7 km power variability of 1.01 for the entire 12 hours (just about perfect pacing!)

Fuelling Strategy for a 12-Hour Ultra-Endurance Cycling Event

For ultra-endurance events, a well-planned fuelling strategy is crucial. Here's a comprehensive plan incorporating deltaG Ketones:


- **2 Hours Before**: Consume a balanced meal rich in carbohydrates, protein, and fats.

- **20 Minutes Before**: Take 30g of deltaG Ketones to ensure optimal energy levels at the start of the race.

During the Race

- **Every 3rd Hour Thereafter**: Continue to take 30g of deltaG Ketones paired with a carbohydrate drink or gel. Aim for 80-100g of carbs per hour to maintain glycogen stores and prevent bonking. Note you'll have to train the gut to take this many grams of carbs to prevent any G.I discomfort. Power output was based on the results of INSCYD analysis and training sessions over winter of 8 - 10 hours. So we knew 210-215w was going to be achievable if everything went to plan. Alex ended up with 215w average and had no fade throughout, in fact the final hour was 220w. A remarkable effort!


- **Every Hour**: Drink 500-750ml of water or an electrolyte drink to stay hydrated. Adjust based on weather conditions and sweat rate.


- **Immediately After**: Take 30g of deltaG Ketones to jumpstart the recovery process.

- **Within 30 Minutes**: Consume a recovery meal with a 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein to replenish glycogen stores and repair muscles.

My suggestion to you:

- **Training Phase**: Take 25g of deltaG Ketones before your training sessions and 10g every hour during long rides. This regimen will help you sustain high energy levels, reduce muscle fatigue, and improve overall endurance.

- **Race Day**: On race day, consume 25g of deltaG Ketones 30 minutes before the event and maintained an intake of 30g every hour. The result will be a consistent energy supply, reduced fatigue, and an impressive finish time. However, if its a short event with a lot of work above anaerobic threshold, just stick to the recovery protocol as the ketones will be more beneficial for the recovery rather than the intense effort.

- **Post-Race Recovery**: Post-race, take 25g of deltaG Ketones, which significantly reduce muscle soreness and accelerated the recovery process [[3](].


deltaG Ketones offer a potent tool for endurance athletes looking to optimize their performance, sustain energy levels, and accelerate recovery. By incorporating deltaG into your training and competition regimen, you can unlock new levels of endurance and resilience. Whether you're preparing for a 12-hour cycling event or looking to enhance your everyday training, deltaG Ketones provide a strategic advantage that can help you achieve your athletic goals.

Final Thoughts

As with any supplement, it's essential to integrate deltaG Ketones into a well-balanced diet and training program. If you want more information on how to tailor the use of ketones to your specific needs and objectives, please do not hesitate to give me a call. We can also supply the Delta G with your training plan. Embrace the science of ketones and elevate your performance to new heights.

🌐 Sources

1. [ - Cycling](

2. [ - Let's Talk Ketones](

3. [ - deltaG Performance Ketone Ester](

4. [ - Ketones and Endurance Sports Performance](

5. [ - Ultra Racing, Cycling Training Tips, Delta G Ketones, Being ...](

6. [ - Ketones: A game-changer for endurance athletes?](

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